Start with Who: How Can Marketers Evolve and Lead with Changing Consumer Expectations?

In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, shifting consumer expectations are reshaping the marketing landscape at an unprecedented pace. Consumers now demand personalized experiences and transparency, sustainability, and ethical practices from the brands they patronize. This transformation presents both a challenge and a golden opportunity for marketers.

Below are four resources that unpack these expectations for marketers and our biggest takeaways from each:

1: Changing Consumer Expectations: 10 Trends You Need to Know

According to this Vonage article, consumer expectations are evolving rapidly and are driven by factors like social media, technology, self-service options, and personalized experiences. Businesses must strive to meet the demands of an always-connected, informed customer base.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consumer expectations are shaped by social media, technology and self-service options.
  • Businesses must offer personalized experiences and seamless omnichannel.
  • Customers demand quick responses, free shipping in e-commerce, and mobile-friendly interactions.

2: What Are Customer Expectations, and How Have They Changed?

Customer expectations have evolved to demand personalized, connected experiences, with 80% valuing company experience as much as products, according to this Salesforce article. To retain trust and loyalty, businesses must prioritize consistent interactions, better personalization, ethical AI use, and transparent data handling.

Key Takeaways:

  • Customers prioritize brand experience as much as products.
  • Better personalization is now an expectation.
  • Transparency in personal data usage builds trust.

3: New Report Looks at Evolving Consumer Expectations of Social Media Marketing

According to this Social Media Today article, Sprout Social’s latest report reveals changing consumer expectations in social media marketing. The report emphasizes the importance of timely responses, customer engagement, and balanced use of AI in brand interactions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Customers expect responses to their comments and messages promptly.
  • Brands should balance AI use to maintain human engagement.
  • Content preferences include product updates and deals, less promotional content, and behind-the-scenes insights.

4: 3 Consumer Expectations That Are Changing Customer/Brand Interactions

According to this WTM Digital article, consumers expect engagement, personalization, and consistency from brands, emphasizing real-time communication, personalized experiences, and seamless interactions across multiple channels.

Key Takeaways:

  • Consumers seek engagement through real-time communication and interaction with brands on social platforms like Instagram.
  • Personalization is key; brands should offer customized experiences tailored to individual preferences.
  • Consistency across all touchpoints, online and offline, is crucial for retaining customers and building loyalty.


When we consider changing customer expectations, it’s clear that the journey towards aligning your marketing strategy, mastering omnichannel engagement, and perfecting personalization is both challenging and essential. But don’t worry—we’re here to help.

Contact us today, and let’s turn these challenges into opportunities together.