Noetic and our guests enjoyed hearing Emmy-award winning speaker Joe Schmit (former Minneapolis/St. Paul KSTP Sports TV Director) talk about Influence Through Purpose, Persistence, and Passion.
This virtual event, hosted by Accelerent, enabled us to reconnect with current and former Noetic client leaders to discuss the importance of leadership and the biggest impressions we make on people – especially when we’re not trying to make an impression.
Our thoughtful and entertaining discussion provided great insights into realizing and living our personal values and creating that silent impact on our teams. And we certainly got an ab workout through laughter at some of the analogies shared like:
- Whenever you encounter negativity, remember – don’t fight with a pig. You will both get dirty, and the pig likes it.
- Some days you’re the squirrel who dodges the oncoming car; some days, you get hit. The important thing is to prepare yourself, avoid getting hit, pick yourself back up when you do, and learn from it.
- Who packs your parachute every day?
- Especially now, leaders need to make those extra efforts to be human and connect with their teams personally. Being sympathetic and empathetic are essential in the new normal, but they’re also generally core behaviors of effective leaders.
And finally, when you think back on the four people who have had the most significant impact on your life and how you lead it, could you name them? At the end of the day, who would be on your Mount Rushmore? And whose Mount Rushmore would you be on?